Do you need a Chamber of Commerce number for affiliate marketing?


Many people who start with affiliate marketing wonder whether you also need a Chamber of Commerce number. To answer this question directly: it is not necessary to have a Chamber of Commerce number for affiliate marketing. However, this does not mean that it is not wise to have a Chamber of Commerce number.

Why is a Chamber of Commerce number useful for affiliate marketing?

Although a Chamber of Commerce number is not mandatory, it is wise to have a Chamber of Commerce number. You can start without having a Chamber of Commerce number. You can start affiliate marketing without a Chamber of Commerce number until you really earn a profitable amount.

If you do have a Chamber of Commerce number, you enjoy a number of benefits. Even though you have to pay tax on your earnings, you can also claim tax back on your expenses. Consider the costs of a website or your hosting.

Paying taxes is usually not a problem either. Most companies with an affiliate campaign pay extra VAT on your earnings.

In addition, a Chamber of Commerce number is useful for declaring your income. If you earn extra money, you are required to declare this to the tax authorities. That's why you don't have to pay tax on the first € 2,500 you earn. If you earn too much, the tax authorities will require you to apply for a Chamber of Commerce number.

Accounting for affiliate marketing

If you want to do affiliate marketing, you will also have to deal with accounting to some extent. Usually it is not necessary to prepare invoices for the affiliate campaigns you participate in. What is necessary is keeping track of income taxes.

It's not that difficult to do this. You can use an accounting program for this. If you prefer not to put any effort into this yourself, it is also an option to hire an accountant.

Get started with affiliate marketing with the help of Affiliate MNGR

Affiliate MNGR is happy to help you get started with affiliate marketing. If you want to participate in an affiliate campaign, you can do so with our plugin. The right software is extremely important for affiliate marketing. We come in handy for advertisers.

Are you curious about how we can help you with affiliate marketing? Please contact us!