Getting started with affiliate marketing: This is how you do it


Getting started with affiliate marketing can seem like a daunting task, but it's easier than you think. It is important to know how best to approach this. Fortunately, there is a fairly easy guide to doing this.

In this blog, we will therefore explain to you how you can start with affiliate marketing.

Get started with affiliate marketing in 7 steps

It is best to start with affiliate marketing step by step. That is why we have created a 7-step plan below to help you get started.

  1. Step 1: Set the base
    To set up a successful affiliate marketing website, it is essential to have a foundation. Achievable expectations and objectives are an important part of this. Therefore, think carefully about what you want and how you want to achieve it. Without a clear goal, you are more likely to quit.
  2. Step 2: Choose the subject and a medium
    The subject and a medium for affiliate marketing are crucial. You will not become successful with affiliate marketing quickly if you take a very broad approach. A better option is to find a niche, where you can tackle an even more specific topic. With the theme, you build a core that you can expand on later.
    In addition, the medium is also crucial. This can be a simple website, but you can also opt for social media. It is best to focus on one medium first, but it is possible to expand to multiple media later.
  3. Step 3: Research the market
    It is important to know which market you are starting in. Market research is essential for this. It is useful to research your competitors and what scores well. For example, consider keyword research for a website.
  4. Step 4: Build your platform
    When you start a website, you can then start building and setting up your site. This is possible with a suitable domain name, good hosting and attractive web design.
    If you are going to start affiliate marketing via social media, this step consists of setting up your account.
  5. Step 5: Create a concrete plan
    The next step is to make a concrete plan. Once you have set up and researched everything, you can put down on paper exactly what you want to do and how exactly you want to approach it. This allows you to work efficiently, and you know which campaigns you can approach.
    Another important part of this plan is identifying advertisers and connecting with them. You can start with a single advertiser, but often it is useful to have several.
  6. Step 6: Ensure a well-scoring website
    After this, it is important that your website scores well. This can be done in different ways. The most effective way is SEO and just keep posting content. At some point, improving existing content is also an option.
  7. Step 7: Build collaborations
    Once you have a successful website, you can build further collaborations. By finding a network of advertisers, you ensure that you can promote more and more.

Are you looking for help in building such a network? Please contact us!