Wordpress Affiliate Manager: This is how you optimize affiliate marketing within Wordpress


If you want to start affiliate marketing, it is appropriate to find a good manager for this. A Wordpress affiliate manager comes in handy for this. However, optimizing affiliate marketing within Wordpress can be a big job. That is why we explain to you in this blog how to best approach this!

Choose and integrate affiliate manager

First of all, it is important to choose a suitable affiliate manager. This is mostly a matter of personal preference. Affiliate managers usually come in the form of a plugin. This is easy to install on Wordpress and can usually be used immediately. We recommend using our easy affiliate manager!

It is then important to integrate a campaign. Most affiliate managers offer this option. How exactly to approach this varies per manager. Are you stuck? Please contact your affiliate manager.

In some cases, integration is not possible, for example if there is no clear API key for this. It is then possible to manually import the products into the plugin. This often takes a lot of time, so it is not exactly optimal.

3 optimization tips

Below you can read 3 other optimization tips that you can use to get the most out of your affiliate marketing website:

1. Add a call to action

A call to action is one of the best ways to get visitors to make a purchase. No matter how users arrive at your website, a call to action immediately makes it clear what the goal is. This makes it more likely that visitors will take action.

It is important to make a suitable call to action. Consider a call that makes users click immediately, such as 'get a 30% discount now' or 'register now for our newsletter'. It is important that your content fits seamlessly with this call to action.

2. Increase the speed of your Wordpress website

If you have a website, it is crucial to optimize its speed as much as possible. This can be done in different ways, such as caching, good hosting and optimized images.

3. Empathize with the visitor

With affiliate marketing, it is crucial to empathize with the visitor. A visitor can be in three phases:

1. Orientation: In this phase, the user is still looking around for the best purchase. It is best to inform these users about the possibilities

2. Consider: At this stage, the user already has some knowledge about the subject, and they are deciding about which product they want to use.

3. Decision: The user has decided and wants to make a purchase.

By responding to these phases, it is easy to persuade users to make a purchase.