AffiliateMNGR is the way to icrease revenue, find new stream of income and a simple way free of charge to lead generation. More payouts and profit on artificial intelligence optimization algorithms
Our startup is from Haarlem, the Netherlands. We have started working on in the second part of 2019. Sinds then we finished our Ad Delivery Network based in NodeJS with a back end written in Symfony 5. Experience in software, data analyses and artificial intelligence allowed us to build a working prototype in 2 months. With a lean approach we implemented alpha-version on the site of the first client. We are continously growing.
Founders of Affiliate MNGR self-financed development and launching of proof of concept and alpha. This allowed to skip a pre-seed phase. At this moment we see steady revenue and continue to advance technology and algorithms. While the product is ready to accomplish greater things, we are open for a seed round from investors.