Affiliate MNGR advertisement platform for publishers

AffiliateMNGR is the way to increase revenue, find a new stream of income and a simple way that is free of charge to lead generations. More payouts and profit on artificial intelligence optimization algorithms

Affiliate MNGR for publishers

Our toolset for advertisers is released!

Affiliate MNGR for advertisers consists of:

  • Ad Delivery Network (ADN)
  • Ad and Affiliate management portal for website owners
  • Real-time DataWall with actual major statistics of running campaigns
  • Health-check monitor for ad/affiliates placements and referrals destinations
  • Affiliate MNGR plugin for Wordpress
  • Affiliate MNGR Symfony/Laravel bundle
  • Affiliate MNGR Ads and Affiliate API

Because Affiliate MNGR for publishers is in beta, we have reduced prices for publishers. At this moment you can sign up for Affiliate MNGR for publishers only with an invite.

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